Unlock Your SOULPOWER: Be Seen, Heard & Valued
It takes a mastery of power to achieve freedom.
I’m not talking about forceful power (like the kind Darth Vader uses) or the misuse of power. I’m talking about Soulpower—the power that wants to live and breathe good into your life, relationships, work, and the world.
To change the outer world's misuse of power, we need to understand, keep, and grow our Soulpower. We must work at it consistently if we want to experience the benefits of freedom.
You are not free when you’re stuck inside a toxic environment, situation, bad habit, or relationship that drains away your power. You can feel trapped, obligated, or even hopeless. None of these words give any sense of freedom.
Is the Corporate World Killing Your Soul?
Your Soul’s Purpose requires space inside you to function. When we clutter up the space where the soul lives with distractions, fears, confusion, and bad habits, the Soul’s purpose is obscured or hidden from us, and others can’t see our Authentic Self either.
The corporate competitive world of 9 to 5 and two-week vacation is no help either; it clutters us up with stress, anxiety, frustration, boredom, physical pain, and mental illness. Paying attention to our Soul's Purpose fades away.
Stop ‘Fitting In’ and Stand Out Authentically Instead
I’ve noticed that it does not feel good, and I feel tight and limited when trying to “fit in” in a group dynamic, whether it be family, workplace, or community.
Have you ever felt this nervous, tight feeling for yourself, making you shrink a little and not say too much so you’re liked so then you can “fit in?”
On the day of the Summer Solstice, June 20th, 2024, I was immersed in a profound experience. The message of self-empowerment and authenticity resonated in my body, mind, heart, and soul. It was growing like a wave within me starting at 7 am that day as I attended the first of two back-to-back virtual networking events, then grew more as I hosted my own Receptive Radio™ Podcast, and even more during the preparation time for that evening's Group Healing Community ceremony.