Is the Corporate World Killing Your Soul?

Your Soul’s Purpose requires space inside you to function. When we clutter up the space where the soul lives with distractions, fears, confusion, and bad habits, the Soul’s purpose is obscured or hidden from us, and others can’t see our Authentic Self either.

The corporate competitive world of  9 to 5 and two-week vacation is no help either; it clutters us up with stress, anxiety, frustration, boredom, physical pain, and mental illness. Paying attention to our Soul's Purpose fades away.

We rush around solving problems for the boss most of the day; at the end of the day, we're exhausted; we just want to have a glass of wine or a cold beer to take the edge off!

Also, we live for the weekend and our next vacation to motivate us to get out of bed, endure a long commute, and send the kids off to daycare/school for someone else to raise and influence.  

For some trying to keep their Soul alive in the corporate matrix, balancing a corporate job with a side gig that aligns with your soul’s purpose can be overwhelming. It often feels like your Soul’s purpose is relegated to the bottom of a never-ending to-do list.

You’re trying to do what you love, but it keeps taking last place on your long ‘to-do’ list.

And you can’t give Honey this to-do!

You feel a deep longing, and you know your soul is calling for change.

You try eating right and exercising your body so you feel better about sitting all day, but it’s not doing the trick completely.

Still, you push yourself to achieve your soul's purpose and dream of the day when you’re in charge of your time & work but your unfulfilling career or job takes all your time, energy, and life force.

Our spiritual side suffers, usually not silently, by remaining hidden or being forced to stay dormant so we can get the work done, the bills paid, the money earned, and please everyone else.

This all sounds so depressing, but this is how many of you are feeling day in and day out. I understand because I’ve been in the corporate matrix, and now I hear this repeating story all the time from my clients.

Isn’t it time for a change? It's time to reclaim our spiritual well-being and stop letting the corporate world dictate our lives.

Let me tell you how I know what you’re going through.

I had to kill off my Soul’s purpose to work in the corporate world.

It was a slow death because I still kept up my daily practice, but it only kept me barely spiritually alive. Once inside the 9-to-5, taking on the responsibility of hitting goals and following the boss's demands, I was forced to forget my Soul all day long. It was especially painful as I worked full-time as an articling accounting student and attended school part-time. There was no time or space to let my Soul connect with me, and I was not following the intuitive guidance I was receiving.

I ignored it!

At the beginning of my career, as I moved up the ladder, I didn’t notice that I was committing spiritual suicide every day as I took on more and more responsibility for the boss and ignored my soul. My stress increased, and it became apparent that I was not fulfilled, but the money and commitment to a profession confused me.  I dreaded commuting daily and spending all my time in an office, so I figured out how to be more efficient, productive, and responsible, but this just got me MORE WORK from the boss and nominal raises.

Now, I’ve realized it does not have to stay this way; we don’t have to sell our souls to the competitive corporate world. But we do need…

a lot of POWER to make the conscious change and get out of the rat race so we can do our Soul’s purpose work and stop hiding.

We can feed the soul’s purpose & grow our Soulpower.

We can transform the demands of the competitive corporate world and instead learn to uncover the guidance and direction that are available to us when the Soul gives us space inside to grow and flourish.

This transformation can be like a rebirth, awakening, or resurrection of our Soulpower.

I know because I’ve done it, and I’m doing it, but before you give your boss notice or you make a drastic life change, I suggest reconnecting with your Soulpower.

One practice that can assist with creating more space for your Soul’s purpose to grow within so you can heed its call is learning how to work with your Central Channel.

Let me explain:

This central channel is within all of us, and it can get cluttered. However, paying attention to it often for very short periods can create space inside for Soulpower to develop instead of being pushed out by fear and stress.

I demonstrated this practice in my July 18, 2024, livestream Receptive Radio™ Private Podcast. You can watch the episode recording by clicking here. This practice engages the imagination, which can also lie dormant because the mind is constantly trying to figure stuff out and solve problems at work all day for someone else.

The Soul’s purpose and ability to be physically connected with it are Superpowers,

and it is important not to hide them anymore.

The corporate competitive world is like kryptonite to the soul; it makes it sick and tired, drained and burned out from working so hard to keep up with everyone else's demands.

And this sucks, literally, it sucks the life out of your Soul.

What if you could learn to make space and time for your Soul’s purpose and power to grow?

What if your Soul has the answer to all your problems, and you’ve just been hiding from it because you are cluttered with stressful work that does not fulfill your Soul?

What if you could have the keys to unlock the superpower of your Soul?

I have these keys, and I want to teach them to you.

Practicing these keys will create space for your Soul and spiritual side to flourish and thrive.

You can solve problems using your soul's intuitive guidance and life direction, even while you’re still inside the corporate matrix, allowing you to make conscious changes.

I’ve developed a Free Masterclass: Unlock Your Soupower - 3 Keys to Stop Hiding Your Soul in a Judgemental & Competitive World, go to my events page to sign up for the next one. The competitive corporate matrix inspired it, and I am grateful for that.

Souly yours, Jennifer


Unlock Your SOULPOWER: Be Seen, Heard & Valued


Consistent + Focused = Expanded Growth