Consistent + Focused = Expanded Growth

July 2024 Monthly Transmission


July is more than just growing season; it is also early harvest time.

Every day, new opportunities to grow and bloom your Purpose into the world are presented and ready for you to pick. If you miss picking one day, there will be more tomorrow, so you have enough time to choose and select the right opportunity. With so many abundant opportunities, there is always something ready just for you to choose so you can be selective.

This month, you have more than enough resources to support you if you believe it!

Consistently longer days, inspired practice, and motivated action will support expanded growth.

Notice what you want to focus on intuitively and pay attention. It may be your calling to Realize Your ULTIMATE Purpose.

This is also the perfect time to tune into your inner voice for direction and guidance.


The universal support of this time shines light on what you are capable of so you can grow it more into focus and showcase it confidently.

If you have been focused on learning a new skill or studying new methods or systems in previous months or years, this month asks you to do what you’ve learned and apply your talent, skills, and abilities in your life, career, or business. This inspired action brings expanded opportunities for growth and success.

If you have not started focusing on your purpose or studying what you want to grow, this month's universal support will help you quickly remember what you’re naturally called to and provide many opportunities to practice what you are learning.

This month, taking time to communicate with your higher self, your guides, and nature will help you tune into what you really want to ask for help with: in your life, for your purpose, or so you can transform any challenges that are causing confusion, frustration, or irritation.

The Finding the Source™ Introductory Package offers quick clarity to help you remember what you’re born to do.

When we believe that we have a Purpose, things can change quickly. We start to see what we need to focus on more consistently and act on what calls our attention.


Because of the nature of this month, it can grow what you want, or it can grow what you don’t want. Being conscious of what you choose to focus your attention and energy on is SO IMPORTANT.

>>>Overindulging, overrelaxing, and overdoing anything could lead to growing distractions and procrastination, leading you away from the life of your dreams. <<<

If you notice you’ve gotten off track, there is ample opportunity to get back on track – paying attention is key.

Clearing always helps the bigger vision of your life come back into focus. Holding on to suffering, excuses, blaming, or complaining gets in the way of your focus, and it clouds the view of your vision, purpose, and calling. Like wiping the dew off the windshield, you can see clearer when nothing is blocking the view. Therefore, we want to keep clearing all aspects of our physical, emotional, mental, energetic, and spiritual selves; when we do, it consistently amplifies our ability to stay focused.

Our Earth Force Activation™ live guided practice bundled with our monthly Group Healing Community is a great way to consistently stay clear and clean so you can stay consistent and focused.

The extra light available in the morning, noon, and night helps us lighten up, focus, see more, and become aware of what we want and don’t want so we can choose wisely. Utilizing the support of Sunlight daily can inspire us to consistently move towards the growth zone and away from the comfort zone. This regular fueling up with the sun's growing life force energy will reinforce consistent and steady growth.

It is also helpful to notice what is in our field of view when looking inside ourselves and outside in our environment. Is it neat, clean, clear, messy, unkept, or dirty? Looking inside to see what is in the way and looking outside to see what is in the way offers clarity. The inside and outside are connected and give good information on what needs to be cleared and cleaned up.

The more we consistently bring focus to our inside and outside views, the better we get at it.


You may have worked hard during the winter and spring to create the life of your dreams. In July, it is time to enjoy the fruits of your dedication and commitment by implementing and taking opportunities to share your purpose so you can shine it out and be seen.

Summer light supports growth. It is the growing season but also the early harvest. It is not time to escape and detach from all that you’ve planted. It is time to keep watch over your dreams and visions, like a farmer tending to his garden or crop, noticing when to water, pick, prune, and pluck.

The early harvest can pay off and reward you with money to grow success, fulfillment, and freedom.

***But it is important to keep paying attention to your long game and to the right time, place, and people to maintain the vision of your purpose and grow it into the most beautiful, abundant harvest for the fall. ***

Starting or maintaining a daily practice that supports you in being present, staying clear and aware, and being available for good opportunities will grow consistent support from your inner higher self and increase connection with universal support.


This is the perfect time to believe in yourself and your capabilities. Nothing impossible was made possible without belief.

You do not need to wait for anyone else to believe you can grow your purpose in the world. You are the maker and creator of your agenda and schedule. The decision to add time to your schedule for your purpose is totally up to you, no one else.

Whether you are an employee, purposefully growing yourself as a valuable team member, or an entrepreneur growing an impactful business, this month supports healthy growth when you align it with your purpose.

Planned vacations and trips full of adventure and fun can inspire and support you to achieve more of what you want in your life. Spontaneous outings and escapes balanced with staying healthy, curious, and active create opportunities for synchronicity and coincidences so they feel amusing and playful so you can stay motivated, consistent and focused.

When you believe you have the freedom to create each day, you can choose to make it beautiful, fun, and full of adventure.

More about being Consistent and Focused to achieve Expanded Growth will be discussed live this week on the Receptive Radio™ Podcast - Thursday, July 4, 2024, at 12:30 p.m. PST. If you can't make it live, the replay will be loaded right after the show.

Have a great July! AHO! Jennifer


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