Stop ‘Fitting In’ and Stand Out Authentically Instead

I’ve noticed that it does not feel good, and I feel tight and limited when trying to “fit in” in a group dynamic, whether it be family, workplace, or community.

Have you ever felt this nervous, tight feeling for yourself, making you shrink a little and not say too much so you’re liked so then you can “fit in?”

On the day of the Summer Solstice, June 20th, 2024, I was immersed in a profound experience. The message of self-empowerment and authenticity resonated in my body, mind, heart, and soul. It was growing like a wave within me starting at 7 am that day as I attended the first of two back-to-back virtual networking events, then grew more as I hosted my own Receptive Radio™ Podcast, and even more during the preparation time for that evening's Group Healing Community ceremony.

An hour before our 1st Annual Summer Solstice Ceremony, it became clear that true alignment with self is vulnerable and authentic. It requires alignment with your purpose and power. It is completely unique and demands standing out from the crowd and not “fitting in.”

The Summer Solstice delivered a powerful message: STOP FITTING IN. To be a leader, an influencer, a visionary, a creator, and a contributing member of evolution, you must embrace your uniqueness. This is the key to unlocking your purpose, power, vitality, health, clarity, focus, success, and prosperity.

From my personal experiences that day, it became clear that when we try to “fit in,” we only hurt ourselves. We dim our true potential and stop shining.

When we force and contort ourselves to “fit in” with other groups, people (family), or communities that are not filled with other like-minded/energy-based individuals, we can tend not to show up fully. We keep others comfortable with what we share and turn down and diminish our inner radiance from being seen or heard. We stay small and “fit in,” and we close off from receiving the abundance and prosperity we deserve. And we miss out on showing our gifts and power authentically, which is one of the most attractive and magnetic things about us.

Therefore, even if you know you are in a room of people who have never experienced the supportive and valuable work you offer, give them a chance to get to know you more. Allow them to make judgments and decisions based on you showing your authentic true self through what you say, do, and feel. When you do this, there is coherence and resonance within yourself, and you feel good, confident, and courageous; you feel it, and so does everyone else. Even if your purpose work is something they have never heard of or experienced before, you give the signal that you are authentic, which is powerful and attractive.

I know from repeated experience that wanting to “fit in” when doing my purpose work and being in my power, offering all of what I’m capable of, doesn’t work. I don’t “fit in.” I am meant to stand out so I can be seen and heard. This old pattern of “fitting in” just hurts me, and I judge myself before they even get a chance to judge or hurt me.  Can any of you relate?

If you're in the transformational & empowerment industry, it is okay for others to want to learn more about you, be curious because you are different, and be slow in getting to know you first. When you keep the door open to your authentic true self, all who are meant to be in your world and you in theirs will easily and effortlessly find you. It will feel similar to the sun, nurturing a plant to grow, and it feels so much better just being authentic, relaxed, receptive, and open to the possibilities of meaningful connection.

When we try to protect ourselves from being judged by others, we judge ourselves with the “I’m not good enough” belief system. We hide away our authentic, true selves, closing the door on the possibility of having a meaningful connection.

Practicing allowing others to have their judgments about you is less painful and supports unattachment to what they think, say, or judge about you.

Another old pattern we can practice letting go of is that judgments are always “negative” and open to a new mindset that judgments can be “positive.”

This Summer Solstice was about growing into your true self and power and accessing this alignment for more significant internal and external expansion. It is a time to love yourself more, open your heart, and not be afraid to show up in all your radiance and superpowers.

Navigating different groups, finding your way to your tribe or community, being okay with family or workplace dynamics, and making meaningful connections is not always easy, but it is way more joyful, fun, synchronistic, and powerful to do it authentically and with vulnerability.

Within each different group dynamic, there is the possibility of someone who will connect with our authentic true selves when we open to showing it. As we decide to align with our authentic true selves more, we love ourselves more, and we grow more abundant and prosperous in all ways. So, let's go all together now and be our true authentic selves.

More about this topic will be discussed live this week on the Receptive Radio™ Podcast - Thursday, June 27, 2024 at 12:30 pm PST. The replay will be loaded right after the show if you can't make it live.


Consistent + Focused = Expanded Growth