Work With Me

Enter a container of receptivity & trust

My programs and tools are designed to heighten receptivity from Source and reinforce focus and personal responsibility. I provide insights that will allow you to create your dream life with intention, and reap the harvest of your purpose-fuelled visions.

Finding the Source™️ Signature programs

Introductory Package


Expand your awareness of your personal challenges and traps, and reconnect with your greater purpose.

This introductory package provides the clarity and focus you need to begin the journey to becoming your best, most powerful, most prosperous self.

Note: this introductory package is a pre-requisite for our private programs and ceremonies.

Private Programs


Together we bypass the fluff and get right to work, engaging with Source and Master Teachers to download messages about your path and curate expansive practices to support you.

Awaken to your purpose and receive the tools, energetic fine-tuning, and dedicated focus you need to claim true purpose, power, and prosperity.

Reach your true potential

You know you have a big purpose to fulfill, and have taken steps to gain self-awareness and overcome your obstacles.

Your ultimate goal is to be your best, most impactful self, which often means claiming a spot on the world stage and influencing others. You are not afraid of “doing the work” or embarking on new, vulnerable experiences, and you are willing to take responsibility for your energy and essence. You have bold, innovative ideas and want your words and actions to contribute to the dismantling of old paradigms. 

As far as you have come, your higher purpose is out of reach until you receive the right support from both the seen and unseen realms.

Often you stay stuck in old fears, distractions, or coping mechanisms to push down the discomfort or uncertainty of old baggage. You feel a lack of focus and power in your day-to-day work. 

The truth is that you have been looking for support in the wrong places.

You have been working with people and information within the ordinary realm, when information about your path to purpose, power, and prosperity comes from Source. Only with the clarity of this pure guidance can you transform your life and help bring about the new paradigm of truth, love, and supportive energy.


Get Started

become your most powerful & prosperous self

The first step in working together is the Finding the Source™️ Introductory Package, which includes two 90-minute sessions, with the intention of activating your most authentic dreams & desires and clearing anything that’s in the way.

what to expect from working together

My direct transmissions from Source heighten my clients’ receptivity, awaken their potential, and understand what is standing in the way of their dreams. Together we develop a personal practice that acts as a mirror and helps them overcome their biggest obstacles.

Through this work, my clients become more intentional, focused, and dedicated to doing what it takes to achieve their greater purpose. When they show up for themselves, the pieces of their lives and careers come together with ease and clarity. They become conduits for purpose, power, and prosperity and spread this energy to others, raising the energetic potential of people around them. 

Be Intentional

Who this is for

Who this is for:

  • Visionary intrapreneurs and conscious entrepreneurs who want to fully step into their Purpose by becoming aware of the challenges that have prevented them from decisive action.

  • Change agents and non-conformists who feel stuck in an old system that does not want to change, and desire to lead a new way through the path of entrepreneurship.

  • Retiring career professionals who are bored with working 9 to 5 but have so many skills, excellent knowledge, life experience, and wisdom that can be harnessed for a new, fulfilling, and prosperous purpose, but are uncertain about how they can have the freedom of retirement and still offer their expertise.

  • The next generation of leaders and influencers who are creative, inventive, visionary, and want to fulfill their purpose, but feel let down by the formal education systems that don’t teach you how.

Who this is NOT for:

  • The old paradigm, status quo comfort seekers who prefer that others make important world decisions.

  • Followers who like the old ways of doing things so they can be assured of safety and security.

  • Baby Boomers who want to sit in their La-Z-Boy all day so they can watch the news and be on top of the weather forecast.

  • The generation of video gamers who would rather live in a virtual reality than create their own.

Words from my clients

“Immediately after our first session, I used Jennifer's teachings and guidance to uplevel a complicated and stressful situation. I walked away from that situation feeling powerful.”


"Working with Jennifer has helped me transform heavy stuff that was in my way for a long time. I now have the freedom to work through heavy energy and old stuff and release it for good.

Noticing myself now, I feel more energized and hopeful. Negative people have left my life, and now I am attracting more powerful and positive people to me personally and professionally."


"Jennifer has truly helped me reclaim my power. I have big dreams & ambitions, but old patterns and programming were keeping me stuck. through our work together, i feel clear, powerful, and unstoppable."


"Jennifer is the answer to my prayers. Learning to let go of old belief systems and be in the present moment is only the beginning of my transformation.

Jennifer has taught me to let go of old patterns and unwind the emotions within these patterns. Jennifer is open and understanding, allowing my purpose to be shown to me. For the first time in my life, I feel completely understood. My talents are explored and encouraged. Learning to connect with myself is illuminating. Jennifer is the guide. She embraces all of my powers and gifts with love and acceptance."


“From the get-go, Jennifer Sifert's energy was magnetic. I joined her Finding the Source™️ program after a mind-shifting experiential session that convinced me right away. Although I didn’t start with a specific goal, I was struggling to get my business off the ground and hoped to clear any energy blocks affecting my success.

Jennifer's program combines weekly insights with personal energy clearings, and it's tailored to dig deep. The sessions, especially the one on shadow work, really opened my eyes. We tackled subconscious stuff that was sneaking into my decisions without me even realizing it!

Thanks to Jennifer, the resistance I felt about launching a business program has turned into excitement. I've gone from dread to looking forward to my launch with a whole new vibe.

If you’re up for serious personal growth and need to clear out what’s holding you back, Jennifer’s Finding the Source™️ is the way to go. It’s been a game-changer for me, and I can’t wait to see where my new mindset takes my business!”


“I've known Jennifer for years as my mentor and coach. She's guided me along the way on many spiritual matters.

The first time I saw her at a women’s retreat, she was sitting across from me. All I could see was a glowing gold light all around her. It's like I had known her before, but that day was the first day we met. I instantly gravitated towards her warm energy. I am so grateful for all the work I've done with her since then. I'm a forever client!”

– JAS K.

Be Curious

Frequently asked questions

  • It is good to review where we spend our time so we can notice how much time and energy we spend doing activities that do not support the vision and impact we want to make in our lives.

    Imagine what your life will look and be like a year from now and five years from now.

    Ask yourself:

    Will my current activities that take up my time support my future vision for myself?

  • Maybe you’ve already done substantial personal and professional transformation work and have figured it all out.

    Ask yourself:

    Am I realizing the life of my dreams and manifesting my greatest vision and potential in the world?

    Am I making the visionary impact I know I meant to do right now?

    If your answer is NO to either question, we should talk.

  • Yes, it is an investment to spend on yourself for personal and professional transformation. I’ve found that if I am ready to improve my life, the money often shows up to support me. But first, I need to decide that I am prepared to change. Once I’ve decided, the funds to invest in my development will arrive.

    Ask yourself: would I really like to do this if the money was not an issue?

    Let your intuition guide your decisions.

  • I get it and totally understand! I want you to have a clear YES or NO before you talk to them because that will shift your conversation with this person.

    If you are a YES:

    I can help you get present to the desire you want to realize and convey the benefits and results you will receive by working with me to your spouse or business partner.

    If you are a NO:

    What else would you like to discuss with me?

  • Maybe the time wasn’t right for you, or it wasn’t the right person?

    Ask yourself:

    What am I afraid of?

    What would happen if I had the right person's accountability and support getting me the transformation I’ve been longing for?

    What does “it’s working” mean to me?

    What type of accountability do I prefer?

  • Awesome, you know what you are meant to do!

    Ask yourself:

    Who doesn’t want more clarity, confidence, power, and prosperity on their path of purpose?

    Is it happening effortlessly for you?

    Are fruitful opportunities knocking down your door?

    Are you generating prosperity and abundance with all of your strategies and planning?

    If not, I would love to support you in using your purpose to cultivate greater power & prosperity.

  • Over the last 27 years of practice, discipline, and dedication to understanding and realizing my life purpose, I've realized that it is an “inside job,” and I must “walk the talk” every step. Getting to know “me” through daily practice, becoming present in my body, and taking responsibility for the consequences (good or bad) that happen to me comes from having a deep trust that I am the most important person I need to take care of daily.

    When I take good care of my mental, emotional, and physical well-being, it naturally flows into care for my energetic and spiritual well-being, leading me to be even more present, peaceful, and receptive to a happy and fulfilling day.

    When I am present and receptive to receiving intuitive guidance and life direction that I desire from the questions that I pose to myself, my vista of imagination is expanded. And usually, everything turns out better than I could have imagined.

  • But you feel something needs to pivot because you are bored, and something is calling you to take a new direction. And you want a new way to get out of your head about your next step and influence significant change in the world.

    Ask yourself:

    Do I want to learn a new method of getting the Universe to support me with my vision?

    What am I currently doing to answer the CALL that I keep getting?

  • Great question! In my experience, everything I’ve decided to do has worked out better than I could imagine, even when it felt hard and I was struggling. Why? I have an excellent support team that I use regularly to help me keep moving through the struggles and “dark nights of the soul.” Whenever I thought I had to “figure it out” for myself, I stayed stuck.

    Ask yourself:

    Do I have the accountability and support I want in order to create the life I have always envisioned for myself?

  • I get it; I’ve been in past long-term relationships, both work and personal, that held me back from stepping into my purpose and power because it was easier for me to stay stuck rather than change. This caused me intense internal angst and stress.

    I found myself tolerating inappropriate behavior, cheering everyone else on with their dreams, and putting my own on the back burner. Almost wholly losing myself.

    Ultimately, my destiny forced me to change, which also caused me stress and struggle.

    Ask yourself:

    Would I rather be in charge of the transformation I want to make or be thrown into it and struggle to find my way out?

Get Started

become your most powerful & prosperous self

The first step in working together is the Finding the Source™️ Introductory Package, which includes two 90-minute sessions, with the intention of activating your most authentic dreams & desires and clearing anything that’s in the way.