
Take Control of Your Thoughts: Alignment & Purpose Roadmap"

What you focus on grows!

You’ve heard this before, and maybe you’re seeing evidence lately, especially events that keep repeating themselves for you and repeating events in the outer collective community. When the collective keeps focusing on events that are unfavorable or have negative consequences, they seem to keep growing into reality and repeating.

Therefore, we need to remember that WHAT WE FOCUS ON GROWS!

And remember to focus on the positive that you want to grow in your life, family, and the world.

Because you are more powerful than you realize! Your thoughts and words are powerful, they influence your reality and the collective reality even if you don’t believe they do.

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Mastering Momentum: Unlock Your Strategy for Success

You will accomplish more this month than you ever thought was possible. Decide what you want to do, define your purpose, and take action.

On the back of your heels and nagging at you are the projects you so wish to complete, but they have been dragging on. When you delay with an unnecessary distraction/addiction, you delay it even more.

Fortunately, this month, the habit of being in a rut that causes you to procrastinate on the goals you most want to focus on can be transformed.

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Believe in Your Dreams: You Are Worthy!

The more you can let go of attaching to outcomes and instead embrace the power of open receptivity, the more you will be able to have what you have always wanted and desired.

By being more curious, you can enjoy the harvest of dreams you planted years, months, or even days ago. By remaining present in your dreams, desires, hopes, and wants, you can let go and be open to receiving them now. There is no need to force, pull, or push to achieve your dreams.

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Courageously Commit to Staying on Course

There are so many growth opportunities here now, and more are coming.

Whatever you feel or think did not happen for you in July was likely happening below the surface where you could not see; more noticeable growth will reveal itself to you if you trust that what you want is worth committing to.

It will take commitment to trust your intuitive guidance and understand that appearances are never what they seem so you can continue courageously towards what you have been aiming for.

August holds a significant opportunity to change for the better, and there is BIG MAGICK in the air. The cosmic realm is influencing this month, but not to get you all up in your head and dreamy about it but rather to support you with grounded, physical ways you can anchor in openings that will change your outer experience.

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Unlock Your SOULPOWER: Be Seen, Heard & Valued

It takes a mastery of power to achieve freedom.

I’m not talking about forceful power (like the kind Darth Vader uses) or the misuse of power. I’m talking about Soulpower—the power that wants to live and breathe good into your life, relationships, work, and the world.

To change the outer world's misuse of power, we need to understand, keep, and grow our Soulpower. We must work at it consistently if we want to experience the benefits of freedom.

You are not free when you’re stuck inside a toxic environment, situation, bad habit, or relationship that drains away your power. You can feel trapped, obligated, or even hopeless. None of these words give any sense of freedom.

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