Take Control of Your Thoughts: Alignment & Purpose Roadmap"
March 2025 Transmission
What you focus on grows!
You’ve heard this before, and maybe you’re seeing evidence lately, especially events that keep repeating themselves for you and repeating events in the outer collective community. When the collective keeps focusing on events that are unfavorable or have negative consequences, they seem to keep growing into reality and repeating.
Therefore, we need to remember that WHAT WE FOCUS ON GROWS!
And remember to focus on the positive that you want to grow in your life, family, and the world.
Because you are more powerful than you realize! Your thoughts and words are powerful, they influence your reality and the collective reality even if you don’t believe they do.
Your brain is a magnet; it has negative and positive poles, a right and left side, and other fascinating wonders that it can do that we know and don’t know how to explain.
If your brain operates like a magnet, it attracts the dominant focus, thoughts, ideas, and inspirations toward which it directs attention, awareness, and consciousness.
We all must take this more seriously and be more aware and conscious of our thoughts and words, what we think and speak in our inner and outer voices.
This month, you can choose to pay more attention to what you are focusing on.
The first challenge is to focus on the positive, notice when you are thinking negatively, wonder why you are focusing on negative thoughts, words, events, and experiences, and wonder how this thinking on the negative impacts you. For now, the practice is to wonder.
You can control your thoughts, but you have to decide to take control of them instead of letting them control you.
Participating in my live meditation program can help you take back control of your thoughts and align them with clarity and focus, which support a positive mental attitude that is connected to your heart and body. Learn more about Earth Force Activation™ and the two-week trial here.
This year is clipping by at a record-breaking pace. Don’t let it run away with you like an uncontrollable horse by not having a clear plan of what you want to accomplish. Having a definite purpose and a plan to achieve your goals is required so you can actually achieve the prosperity you want this year and into the future.
Write down some goals [right now] on an orange sticky note and put it on your computer monitor so you can start right now. It doesn’t have to be perfect; this is the first rough draft. I stopped and did it too while editing this transmission.
Even if you don’t know what you want or your purpose, write down something that will help you get closer to knowing what you do want. You can always book a connection call with me, and I can guide you to a supportive resource.
But maybe you feel like you're not ready to receive any help yet and want to read some self-help books for inspiration. Write that down on your orange sticky note so you make time to find a book and then read it this month. What you read this month also helps you focus on what you want.
Or you FOR SURE know you are ready and have put it on the sidelines for too long. You are tired of being frustrated, irritated, and doubting and want to start working on realizing your purpose in the world. Booking into the Finding the Source™ Introductory Package will help you get clarity on what you want and clarity on what is in the way in two 90-minute sessions.
It is very important to be able to direct your attention towards what you want. I support clients by helping them consistently stay positive and elevate their thoughts so they can take actions that align with those positive and prosperous thoughts. I also help them heal and clear old, negative, and limiting thoughts, patterns, and traumas as they come up and are ready to be released.
It is about doing what you want, not just dreaming and visioning it. Dreamers just dream. You must implement it when you receive information about how to grow your life, expand your wealth, or heal your body. It does no good just staying in the field of dreams. If you keep dreaming the same thing, getting the same intuitive message, or seeing the same sign, take it seriously. It’s not going away for a reason.
It has to be contained in a supportive, cultivating playing field that grows it into reality.
This month's second challenge is to pace yourself and consistently implement your goals.
Take some time to draft the Goal Map you started on the orange sticky notes, and then a plan to attain those goals. Start with the big picture for the year, then go month by month, then week by week. It can be a working living draft, continuously refined and revised to align with what you want.
When you focus regularly on this Goal Map, it will be able to grow into reality because you are putting attention on it. What you focus on grows!
If you think negatively, like, “I’ve done that before, it never works,” it might be time to realize that this is a negative mindset. If you can’t believe in yourself to accomplish your goals or even write them down, no one else will.
Get some help with re-wiring old mindsets and unraveling limiting beliefs so you can achieve what you want, and have the life, relationships, work, and wealth you’ve also wanted in your dreams. You did dream it, but now is the time to create it on this playing field.
You can binge watch my Receptive Radio™ - Your Tuning Station podcast to support you with getting into a positive mental state if you’re having trouble staying positive during the month.
Stop blaming everyone else for not achieving your goals!
This is very hard for most of us to do. We are so used to seeing reality as outside of ourselves when, in fact, reality is inside of us.
We are the creators, the thinkers, and the doers. We make everything happen. No one else does it to you; you create it. Being in control of what you think, feel, and do is a powerful position.
Instead of blaming the outside world, take your power back!
How do you do this? You get help to do it.
A shaman like me, has the tools, skills, and life experiences that relate to all these challenges, obstacles, distractions, and addictions.
I get it!
I know what you are going through, I’ve been there before and I know it is hard to get out of bad work, bad relationships, and uncomfortable experiences.
It is an unwinding and unraveling transformation process and journey, and once you start, you can quickly feel relief and support.
Alignment of the body, mind, heart, and soul is my specialty. It has been my life’s work to become a shaman who guides others to self-actualization so they can understand what they are born to do, their purpose, how to do it and be powerful at it, and how to live in prosperity consciousness all the time.
I started my transformation process 30 years ago, which is why I have been able to create signature programs, memberships, and podcasts that support others in their transformation.
Finding the Source™ Signature Programs are designed for thought leaders, change makers, inventors, visionaries, and cutting-edge entrepreneurs who want to provide impactful service but still experience doubt, frustration, low confidence, imposter syndrome and confusion about how they will accomplish their purpose when society is stacked against them.
You can navigate into alignment when you ask and intend to align with supportive people, places, things, events, and opportunities this month. The power of intention and deciding to align based on your intention will bring you what you want.
If you notice you have trouble holding a positive and prosperous mindset, you are already halfway there. Noticing is the key to aligning with what you want. It means you are aware that you are not able to hold the state of mind that supports your success, which leads you to get the support and guidance that will help you get into the positive field and frequency of Prosperity-Awareness-Consciousness-Expansion, aka (*PACE*).
When you can maintain a positive mindset and prosperity consciousness more often than you can maintain a negative mindset and scarcity consciousness, you are winning and on your way to increasing your PACE towards success.
Consistently keeping the PACE towards what you want and
noticing when you cannot hold the field of PACE is powerful.
You can choose, discern, and decide to make the necessary changes. When you work with an expert to help you make the required adjustments, you can learn how to hold PACE consistently.
Watch the Receptive Radio™ live stream episode on March 6, 2025 at 12:30 pm PST / 3:30 pm EST, for the horse racing analogy, where I’ll explain how this all relates. (Hint: I race horses that are called pacers because they PACE.)
When you can invest in the support you need for your alignment and self-actualization of your ULTIMATE PURPOSE you invite the universe to pay attention to you because you are paying attention to yourself.
What you have already created, dreamt, and received inspiration from is helping you to come online to your self-actualization. Even the life experiences that hurt you, annoyed you, and frustrated you are helping you to expand your perspective and perception. The answers are all around you and especially inside of you.
The hard part is taking the risk to make a change that will support your transformation into the heart-centered thought leader you know you are.
Doubt and comparative thoughts about what everyone else is doing can prevent you from receiving all the support, guidance, and help you deserve to create what you want.
Knowing that you are 100% unique and have a superpower that only you can wield into the world can keep you open to receiving all the support, direction, assistance, and collaborations you need and want to align with your Ultimate Purpose.
You don’t have to change everything all at once, but when you start to PACE (stay in the field of Prosperity-Awareness-Consciousness-Expansion), it will ripple into all the changes you will eventually make. There is a chain reaction when you choose to uplevel, uplift, and elevate yourself to align with who you really are.
A soul with an ULTIMATE PURPOSE is here to make an evolutionary difference.
Yes, you are! Even if you don’t think so. It does not mean you are more important or special than anyone else. It means there is a reason you are here, and you are meant to do it. And you’re the only person who can decide to do it.
Challenges, Obstacles, Distractions, and Addictions will have to be transformed if you want to succeed. Believe me, I’ve had to do this, and that is why I can guide you. You may even experience temporary defeat or failure. All this will make you stronger, wiser, and more masterful at delivering your purpose and making an evolutionary impact.
You may think, “I’m not here to make an evolutionary impact; that is someone else's responsibility.”
What if your responsibility is to put yourself first so you can be healthy, happy, and prosperous.
This responsible choice has an evolutionary impact, contributing to the collective community's rise in Prosperity-Awareness-Consciousness-Expansion (PACE).