Mastering Momentum: Unlock Your Strategy for Success

February 2025 Monthly Transmission


You will accomplish more this month than you ever thought was possible. Decide what you want to do, define your purpose, and take action.

On the back of your heels and nagging at you are the projects you so wish to complete, but they have been dragging on. When you delay with an unnecessary distraction/addiction, you delay it even more.

Fortunately, this month, the habit of being in a rut that causes you to procrastinate on the goals you most want to focus on can be transformed.

When you say, “I don’t want to do this because right now, I’m not 100% aligned, clear, or focused”, use that as a sign to start. Your ego (aka small self, aka false personality) wants you to stay stuck, so it will play tricks on you to make you think you’re not ready to “getter done and start.”

Instead, say to yourself, “I’m doing it anyway,” even if I think I’m not ready.

There are so many excuses you can make that will cause you to procrastinate, distract, and pull you away from the desire you most want, staying just out of reach.

If you want to meditate more, join a group like Earth Force Activation™ that offers space for you to begin and improve.

If you want to write a book and become a bestselling author, consider joining a multi-author book collaboration so you can have the support of a powerhouse group to write a chapter instead of biting off the responsibility of completing a whole book. Contact me for more information about the Multi-author book Modern Day High Priestess.

A healthy integration of competitive spirit and collaborative support will help us all get our almost-finished projects DONE!

LET’S DO THIS! Are you with me?


If you feel scared to do something, go scared and do it anyway…

This is so much easier to say than do, and if you still can’t get started, it’s time to Ask for Help. The ‘fear of rejection’ or the ‘blame game’ shows up just when we are ready to liberate ourselves from an old pattern. It can stop you from connecting, reaching out, following a hunch, or even listening to your intuition.

Whenever we hold ourselves back from trying something new, we stay in our comfort zone and make excuses for not wanting to try at all.

It is just our way of playing it safe and staying small. The risk is that you might fail, get turned down, or they will say ‘NO.’

“Oh well” or “So What” is the shamanic response to this old pattern of making excuses.

Appearances are never what they seem, and we must not assume that we already know what someone else’s response will be, even if we’re a highly attuned mind reader.

I have given myself so many excuses not to do something that it has slowed me down for years, put me behind, and then I just beat myself up. It was not until I asked for help that things turned around. Too many years went by before I did that…

Please don’t follow in my footsteps; ask for help sooner than later. I discuss many mistakes in discovering my purpose and procrastinating on getting into my power on my podcast Receptive Radio™ - Your Tuning Station.


The yearning to get help can be scary and energetically overwhelming. It can cause internal stress and anxiety since it goes against the old pattern of “figuring it out” all by yourself.

We have blind spots we cannot see without the help of others to point them out to us.

Of course, you must want to have your blind spot noticed first. Otherwise, it may feel like you’re getting blindsided when you have not extended the invitation to be told what you’re not seeing for yourself.

No one likes to be or feel criticized for trying their best, especially when doing the “inner work” is already something you’re focused on.

Even in the corporate work world, most people feel and think they are doing their best and then get criticized, reinforcing the “I’m Not Good Enough” pattern to rear up again.

Be constantly looking for this old story triggering you when you feel criticized. Noticing it is better than ignoring it. You can always use it as a sign that you are ready to move in a more supportive direction. Finding the Source™ Introductory Package is designed to help you clarify what you want instead of letting the old story run you.

If you are a high achiever like me, asking for help is hard because you’ve had success with “figuring it out” for yourself, but then someone criticizes you, and you swing to “Why bother,” “I’m not good enough,” anyway. Does this story sound familiar?


If your answer is YES! I totally get it.

When I decided to ask for help or accept it when offered, it moved the needle, and a new momentum immediately flowed in. I achieved some goals, making it easier to continue succeeding with more goals.

This month, the practice is to accept help when it comes to you and ask for help when you know you need it. It will swiftly come in to keep you moving forward with completing those old projects that are ready to be finished.

For years, you may have been praying, contemplating, meditating, and creating vision boards for your desires to come to you. Be on the lookout for what is seeking you and what you are seeking. It might not look exactly like you originally envisioned it years ago or even yesterday, but it will likely be way better!

Let the infinite intelligence of the universe support you by giving you what you want.


Notice how much joy, happiness, fun, and freedom it gives you when you do what you love, your Purpose.

Even if everyone else doesn’t understand you, it’s too risky, you're making mistakes, it feels overwhelming, or you might be behind, your Purpose is your Power, leading to so much Prosperity and Abundance. You have to decide to be the one who does it. No one else is going to do it for you.

If you want to start doing what you love all the time and are tired of giving your time and energy to something that does not fulfill you, before you quit your job and leave that relationship, it is worth the time to get clear on what you really want. Please book a connection call here, and let’s talk.

Clarity carries the seeds of hope, faith, and certainty and aligns with the positive attitude that grows your desires into your life. My signature programs and live guided meditations are designed to guide thought leaders and change-makers to find clarity and clear the distortions and old energies from toxic environments that you are now ready to transform so you can realize your purpose and power.  



Take Control of Your Thoughts: Alignment & Purpose Roadmap"


Believe in Your Dreams: You Are Worthy!