Realize Your

Ultimate Purpose

Have you always known you were meant for something important but are still NOT doing it?

For many, the journey to fulfill your Purpose can take many years of trial and error.

Until now…

Get direction about your purpose from an experienced guide

I’m introducing my latest Finding the Source™ Mini-Course: REALIZE YOUR ULTIMATE PURPOSE.

It's designed to provide you with the much-needed direction about your Purpose… without the years of trial and error I endured.

Imagine the time and energy you could save by tapping into this resource if you had an experienced guide.

Expand your awareness, shatter old stories, and reconnect with your greater purpose to become your best, most powerful, most prosperous self.

Are you ready to

know and live your purpose?

Knowing your Purpose and Doing Your Purpose can be complicated.

We might know what we want to do but are NOT doing it.

Or we might be CONFUSED about our purpose and do so many other things that get in the way of our clarity.

In this mini-course, I developed and tested “5 Key Questions to Help You Clarify Your Purpose and Take Action… Now.”

Knowing and Doing your Purpose gives you:

  • The ability to make an impact and be of greater service while expanding your feelings of fulfillment and excitement.

  • Success in multiple forms: freedom, creative expansion, more money, and making a difference in people's lives and the world.

  • High rewards because you are doing what you were born to do; you Realize your Purpose and Power and create prosperity by doing what you love.

join me in this mini-course if you are:

  • A Visionary and Conscious Entrepreneur who wants to align with your purpose and make it happen so you can influence the greater good.

  • A Change Agent and non-conformist who is battling an old system that does not want to change, so you must lead a new way.

  • A Retiring Career Professional who is bored with working 9 to 5 but has so many skills, excellent knowledge, life experience, and wisdom that can be harnessed for a new, fulfilling, and prosperous purpose.

  • The next generation of Leaders and Influencers who are creative, inventive, have a vision, and want to start doing their purpose work with support and guidance.

This is an interactive mini-course complete with an e-book and guided video to support you with being present and clear while you answer the “5 Key Questions to help you Clarify Your Purpose and Take Action…NOW.”

For a long time, I knew I had a Purpose, but the world was not giving me the direction I needed because what I was meant to do did not exist as a Career when I was young, so I was confused.

Does this story sound familiar to you?

If your answer is “yes!”, then this mini-course is the first step designed to give you a breakthrough of clarity on your Ultimate Purpose so you can have the answers today.

Get Started

Realize your ultimate purpose

Get the mini-course (e-book & video guide) to help you answer the “5 Key Questions to help you Clarify Your Purpose and Take Action…NOW.”

Meet Your Guide

jennifer Sifert

Twenty-seven years ago, I started practicing meditation, yoga, creating art, and journaling. After a few months, I noticed that I was getting to know my energy, feelings, and thoughts and felt clearer, calmer, and present to my power. So, I kept doing it and deepened my practice. Back then, I had no teachers other than ancient texts and psychological books.

I was also on a mission to discover my purpose, why I was here, and what I was supposed to do. My daily practice opened me to receiving guidance, direction, and inspiration that created Earth Force Activation™ and Finding the Source™ programs and ceremonies.

My work helps visionaries, influencers, change agents, and conscious entrepreneurs achieve their highest purpose, realize their power, and create prosperity by doing what they love. Through my courses, programs, meditations, and ceremonies, I support others by facilitating greater levels of awareness and fine-tuning their energy so they are free and clear to do their life’s work. As a facilitator of Source, I guide changemakers to unravel their limiting beliefs, step into pure potential, and co-create a new paradigm.