Courageously Commit to Staying on Course

August 2024 Monthly Transmission

Big Picture

The expanded growth you may have experienced during the month of July in your life, work, and relationships will continue into August. If you have not read the July 2024 Monthly Transmission [Consistent + Focus = Consistency], it is worth reading because much of it still applies this month.

There are so many growth opportunities here now, and more are coming.

Whatever you feel or think did not happen for you in July was likely happening below the surface where you could not see; more noticeable growth will reveal itself to you if you trust that what you want is worth committing to.

It will take commitment to trust your intuitive guidance and understand that appearances are never what they seem so you can continue courageously towards what you have been aiming for.

August holds a significant opportunity to change for the better, and there is BIG MAGICK in the air. The cosmic realm is influencing this month, but not to get you all up in your head and dreamy about it but rather to support you with grounded, physical ways you can anchor in openings that will change your outer experience.

The considerable changes you implemented in July, resulting from consistent and focused action towards up-leveling your life and work, have been acknowledged by the universe, even if it does not seem like it yet. Trust that the universe listens to your requests, prayers, and calls for support. The universe will respond with the best answers and solutions at the right time, in the right place, and through the right people.

Without going into the past, it is always good to celebrate the movement, growth, and changes that you have achieved for the better. Celebrate yourself often and cheer yourself on every time you feel, know, or think positively about what you receive. Self-gratitude is necessary and encouraged. It automatically gives gratitude back to the universe.

Saying, “Thank you, Thank you, Thank you” out loud, with your inside voice, or through a hand gesture (mudra), is a powerful form of personal and universal gratitude.  The August 1st, 2024 Receptive Radio™ episode references this practice.


This month, there is a substantial opportunity for consciousness expansion and elevated perceptions such as “better than you can imagine” to support you both in expected and unexpected ways.

Staying fixated only on what you can feel, know, and see could block help from the supportive invisible realms working in the background for you, especially if you’re in the habit of praying or asking for help from Spirit (the universe).

Being open to accessing support from the quantum field that is not seen by our eyes, heard by our ears, or touched by our hands can create space for more possibilities than thought of before to arrive and become available to use.

Notice when you close the doors to what you cannot see, hear, or touch because of old conditioning and imprinting from childhood, previous generations, or ancestral or cultural belief systems can prevent the new from entering and enhancing your life.

Staying open to all possibilities is essential this month!

If we want to experience changes in our lives that are radically different from what we’ve always experienced before, we must be open to the possibility of something that we have never dreamt, thought, or experienced before.

Manifesting takes trust, staying present, and using our “I don’t know” mind to invite more and better than we can imagine.

Consistently paying attention to what you say, think, and do will open doors to “all possibilities.” This month’s self-development work challenges us to stay open and trust.


It is so easy to give up when you’re in the middle of making huge progress just because something does not work out the way you thought or imagined it should on the first try. I discuss this further in the August 1st, 2024 Receptive Radio™ episode.

That does not mean it is not working!

Stay watchful and notice when you have thoughts of doubt, feel like giving up, or start beating yourself up.

Self-observation is the key!

Sharing with a trusted confidant, such as a mentor, about what we are going through can be very helpful in recognizing our blind spots and keeping us moving forward toward what we want for our life, work, and relationships. The Finding the Source™ Introductory Package is designed to help you get clarity on what you want and what is in the way of that so you can move forward quickly.

Many of us have been birthing ourselves into our purpose work for a while now, and we have created some excellent transformational methods and systems.  Now, becoming more visible, networking, and leading by example are ways to let others and the universe know we are ready to be of service, even when it seems everyone else is already doing it.

They aren’t, only you can do your Purpose! And the universe knows more than we do about why so many hands on deck are required; we have to trust that our intuitive guidance is working.

I now host Activate Your Purpose Virtual Networking Events every month for Soulpreneurs to network with each other and do their Soul’s Purpose work.

Whatever excuse we have been making up until now to prevent us from being seen or heard requires attention so we can muster the courage and commitment to do it anyway, even if we are scared.

This month will test your courage, confidence, and commitment.

You stay in the growth zone by committing to what you want, sourcing courage to do what you plan, and fueling it with confident power. But if you cower because it might seem too difficult because you’ve never done it before, it’s not an instant success, or you’ve been telling yourself, “I’m not ready yet,” you will only stay in your comfort zone.

Is that what you want?

Risking not fitting in with the crowd and bringing bold new ideas into a world addicted to the comfort zone requires courage and confidence.

Just because you think you don’t fit into the old-world paradigm anymore doesn’t mean it still can’t influence you. There are old patterns that you are here to transform within yourself so you can be of service to others and be the expert. It’s going to take courage and commitment to stay on your path of purpose, make confident decisions, and continue to grow your power, all while you are being persuaded, peer pressured, or offered opportunities to go back into old paradigm systems.

Visualizing an image that is powerful for you, representing courage & commitment, can help you stay the course and stay in your power, even when the outer world around you seems to be or wants to interfere with your vision.


The body is incredibly open and receptive to being, feeling, and staying healthy, and you can use your imagination to accentuate that vitality.

The body wants to be the temple and home for your soul.

But the body is made up of matter and is much denser than your thoughts; therefore, it’s slower at change than changing your mind can be, so sending loving, caring thoughts and images, as well as saying kind, beautiful words to your body, as you would to your cat, dog, or horse, is an honorable and very powerful exercise to practice daily.

The body is a beautiful vehicle that supports everything we do, including our lives, work, and relationships. It wants to help us powerfully fulfill our purpose.

Using visualization practices when working with your physical body and any practices that open channels to help you feel connected to your soul, essence, and power will be very supportive this month.

I recommend trying the two-week free trial of Earth Force Activation™, a live, guided weekly group meditation practice designed to activate your imagination, open connection, and support you with consistently communicating with your body.

Opening a communication system with our body without forcing it into an extreme diet or exercise routine is a kind gesture that your body will appreciate. The body enjoys ongoing movement, so you can make it easy, fun, and enjoyable. Feeding your body with positive words, thoughts, or actions will be received well physically.


Stay the course and do what you have set out to do with courage and commitment.

You will become more efficient at what you have already become consistent with. You have more opportunities to become consistent with other things you are already doing without creating more work or starting new projects. This is fertile ground for getting really good at what you have already started.

Here is your chance to complete and finish some open projects that have been dragging on.

When we accomplish our goals, we can experience a positive boost propelling us to achieve our dreams, goals, and purpose.

Sometimes, thinking we need to create more stuff to get what we want interferes with improving our use of what we already have.

You already have all the resources and tools at your fingertips. It is knowing that you can commit to using them effectively so you can complete your open projects that will move the needle forward for your purpose work.

Improving what you’ve already created or staying dedicated to what you are already healing, transforming, or changing within your life, work, or relationships will uplevel your ability to remain courageously committed.


Believe in Your Dreams: You Are Worthy!


Unlock Your SOULPOWER: Be Seen, Heard & Valued