Unlock Your SOULPOWER: Be Seen, Heard & Valued
It takes a mastery of power to achieve freedom.
I’m not talking about forceful power (like the kind Darth Vader uses) or the misuse of power. I’m talking about Soulpower—the power that wants to live and breathe good into your life, relationships, work, and the world.
To change the outer world's misuse of power, we need to understand, keep, and grow our Soulpower. We must work at it consistently if we want to experience the benefits of freedom.
You are not free when you’re stuck inside a toxic environment, situation, bad habit, or relationship that drains away your power. You can feel trapped, obligated, or even hopeless. None of these words give any sense of freedom.
Also, we immediately give away our power when we allow others and events to trigger us.
A trigger is a stimulus that pulls us out of our happiness and can even bring our thoughts, emotions, and feelings into negative gloom and doom, including causing pain and illness in the body.
So when you have to keep going to work for the boss you don’t like, or you’re staying in an unhealthy relationship —and sometimes both—you can feel trapped with no way out. Every time you get frustrated, angry, or upset with the circumstances, you engage the trigger, fuel it with more fire, and lose power. It traps us more instead of freeing us.
It just makes you want to pull out your hair! Right?
Think about the last time you were triggered, irritated, frustrated, or complaining. Did it feel freeing or empowering to feel and be like that? Likely not.
It felt the exact opposite. And…
You had to go through a whole long process to get out of it and back to your normal, and that is just normal, not happy or free.
Every time we give away our power, we lose it, along with our confidence and clarity of what we want.
We are experts at this; we have been conditioned to give it away from school, home, and work since childhood.
And this is important…
We must learn how to stop this cycle and become experts at maintaining our Soulpower. And we can; there are ways. In my Free Workshop, UNLOCK YOUR SOULPOWER, I give you 3 KEYS to start mastering your power.
Freedom is power, but consistently being free every day takes conscious practice, paying attention, and the desire to keep aiming for what you want, even when it seems like nothing is working.
Let me tell you.
I’ve been deep into the topic of power for over 30 years, and I can’t count how many times I have unknowingly given away my power, even when I thought I had the best intentions for my life, relationships, and work. I even stayed in a relationship with an alcoholic because I thought he would change. Still, after he got caught for impaired driving, I drove him around so he could work, and I gave him the power that I could have used for my purpose, helping him make sure his business survived so he could still drink and do business.
WHAT WAS I THINKING? I wasn’t thinking, I was confused, but…
Eventually, I got out of the relationship. To get out, I had to grow my Soulpower while I was in it so I could make this significant life-changing breakup, and I did it; I had a powerful guide helping me.
And so I have learned how to grow my Soulpower consistently despite bad relationships and unfulfilling work. Am I perfect now at not getting triggered or succumbing to someone else's demands? NO!
But that is what I am saying; it is a daily practice to decide to be free & powerful. It is conscious mastery not to let world events, your neighbor's construction site, or some words you could take personally not trigger you.
But when we decide not to be bothered by or dramatize every outer event, we have the power and freedom to choose what to do consciously. And that keeps our Soulpower in us, for us.
We can consciously choose to either engage in a trigger or just be curious and observant of what is happening so we can stay open to the best available possibilities in the situation. These are powerful options.
Freedom is the power to follow your Soul’s guidance, listen to yourself, do what you want, and live how you want! Freedom can be obtained even when the environment or people around you do not support it.
Let me tell you why.
When we grow more power, we need to maintain it, store it in reserves, and not waste it so that we can keep it and use it to fulfill our Soul’s purpose, which includes our work-life fulfillment and self-actualization.
How can you reclaim the power you already gave away?
One way is to hang out with more powerful people, read their books, and take their courses, which are ways to get inspired and motivated. You then start implementing what you learn from them into your life, growing your power. I have created a Free Workshop, Unlock Your Soulpower, specifically to teach you how to grow power and motivation.
Who do you look up to, and why do you look up to them? Because they have something you want: purpose, confidence, clarity, kindness, generosity, money, and success, which are words to describe someone who has Soulpower.
Power does not grow on trees like fruit; it grows from harnessing it from inside you, maintaining it, and then increasing it more so you can be confident and have clarity, direction, motivation, inspiration, and consistency.
Soulpower is an unlimited resource when you learn how to access it.
Then, you can harness, store, grow, and use it for your Soul’s purpose, leading to more freedom and choices.
So, the next time you get triggered, notice consciously that you are triggered. It is a powerful move to notice and pay attention to yourself with deep curiosity so you can understand more about yourself, and that is another way to grow your Soulpower.
Your Soul knows what to do; after all, it is YOU! And it does not want to be ignored, hidden, shut down, or cluttered up. It wants you to have the power you want and need to fulfill all of your desires so you can do your Soul’s Purpose, whatever that may be, that feels good when you’re doing it, and you know your efforts are aiming for more freedom.
Imagine being in your Soulpower, with the freedom to choose what you want, when you want, and how you want your life to be, feel, and do. FREEDOM.