Make Life Better Business Networking Event - May 1st, 2025
Join me at MAKE LIFE BETTER BUSINESS NETWORKING EVENT on May 1st at the Best Western Plus (5978 Glover Rd, Langley City, British Columbia, Canada) from 1:00 pm to 5:00 pm PST.
Experience my interactive talk, Unlock Your Soulpower: so you can Realize your Purpose & Power and stop hiding.
Make Life Better Business Networking Events are for business owners and networking newcomers.
Four speakers share their business knowledge, wisdom, and experience, and there is ample networking time between speaker presentations so you can make connections with everyone in the room.
Raffle prizes, such as 1oz Silver Coins, a free night’s stay at the hotel, gift cards to Moxies, and more, are available to be won.
Join us in person at the Best Western Plus (5978 Glover Rd, Langley City, British Columbia, Canada).
You can register now to attend.