
Under Corporate Stress? Stop Hiding Your Soul Power

Here are the highlights of this episode:

[0:38] It’s like spiritual suicide sometimes when you're stuck in the corporate world, and you know you don't want to be there.

[2:13] But if we’re cluttered up with frustration, fear, mild depression, boredom, and anxiety, that takes up space, and It keeps us away from doing our soul's purpose work and from even hearing or noticing what our soul is calling us to do.

[4:31] Many people out there are not connecting with their spiritual side or their soul's purpose. They're ignoring it. And that might be one of you.

[5:21] I had to commit to doing work that cultivated my soul so I could listen to my intuitive guidance, grow my purpose inside of me, rediscover it, and really go for it. And that's what I help people do now. And I help people in all stages along that path.

[7:18] Make space for direction, guidance, and intuition centers to work. This isn't the only place from which your intuition can operate. It operates as a full-body operating system. And this channel inside of us can begin to open with our attention on it.

[10:15] PRACTICE: Kingdom Breath demonstration.

[15:23] PRACTICE BENEFIT: It allows space to reconnect with your soul and start to notice your soul again. You have one, and it has a purpose, and you want it to be fulfilled. You can start listening to your intuition again and follow your soul's guidance. Practice like the one demonstrated kept me still awakened to my soul's purpose, even while I was still in the nine-to-five grind. And I had to do that before I could strategize to get out of corporate. There has to be a plan.

[17:26] It takes a lot of power to keep positive. And you have to cultivate that power. And there are Jedi tricks and all kinds of ways to do that, to be in situations where it's judgmental and competitive but still have your soul flourishing, thriving, and guiding you.

[18:36] NEXT STEPS:Register for my next Free Masterclass, Unlock Your Soul Power - 3 keys to stop hiding your soul's purpose in a judgmental and competitive world.

Here is the Full Transcript for this Episode:

Who is killing their soul by staying in a corporate job or the corporate world, or do you have a side gig, and you're still stuck in that corporate world?

Welcome to Receptive Radio™. This is what we're discussing today. This show is for visionaries, soulpreneurs, high achievers, and people who want to do their life-purpose work. This show is specifically for you to help you tune into your power, purpose, and all the prosperity and abundance that can come from doing what you love and being fulfilled every day.

It's like spiritual suicide sometimes when you're stuck in the corporate world, and you know you don't want to be there. And I want to bring this up, and it's, you know, it's a bold topic, spiritual suicide. And I've been there, I've been there.

I know that lots of people out there right now are suffering in pain, dreading going to work every day or the commute to work, and also sending their children off to be raised by somebody else, such as going to daycare. It's an important topic to talk about because living for nine to five two weeks of vacation is not fulfilling.

And I can say that because I did it. I did it!

Some people might be fulfilled in that because it's connected to their purpose. But many people aren't in a career they wanted; somebody told them to do it because they can make lots of money. Or it's the family line of business. And it's just not connecting. You’re not feeling connected to it.

The soul needs space. It needs space to feel connected to you and grow inside you.

We're going to practice that today, making space for the soul and the soul's purpose within you.

But if you're cluttered up with frustration, fear, mild depression, boredom, and anxiety, that takes up space, and it keeps you away from doing your soul's purpose work and from even hearing or noticing what your soul is calling you to do.

So why is making space for your soul's purpose important, even in these situations?

Well, it's super important because your soul gives you answers. It helps you to problem-solve. My purpose is to help people solve problems for their life purposes and soul desires.

When I was 26 years old, I wandered around and went back to school for accounting. But I just fell into it. It was not what I wanted to do. I tried to get out of waitressing because it wasn't what I wanted to do. What I loved doing, the stuff I was always practicing, teaching myself, and growing into, I didn't know how to do that in a career.

So, I just kept wandering around, looking for something to do. And I ended up becoming a CPA.

But I had to go to school full-time before I got my letters. And then, while I was going to school full-time, I got hired into a firm, worked full-time, and went to school part-time. So, add up all of those hours.

How much time did I have for my spiritual side?

By the end of the day, I just wanted to smoke, have a glass of wine, and relax. And on the weekend, I wanted to veg out. I don't even remember taking vacations because school constantly interrupted my life.

I was killing my soul and my spiritual side and struggling to keep up with the responsibility of the CPA career path, which is designed to burn you out. You know, there's so much pressure. And I know that many people either do not connect with their spiritual side or their soul's purpose or totally ignore it.

And that might be one of you.

You know you have this spiritual side of your calling that is giving you signs, but you have no time to answer its call. Or some of you have a side gig doing your soul's purpose, but it’s always last on your list.

And eventually, you know, I had enough of it. I had enough of it and had to strategize and plan to leave the corporate world that was not fulfilling me. I had to commit to doing work that cultivated my soul to listen to my intuitive guidance, grow my purpose inside, rediscover it, and really go for it.

I help people do that now at all stages along that path.

I think it's really important to work with this practice. I will show you.

There is a channel inside of us, and it's physical and energetic. There are physical centers inside our body, but they're connected to an energetic center. They're in our heads. They're the chakra system, which is another way to look at it, but you can also see it differently.

It’s like a channel, a road inside of you, and if that road gets blocked by detours or construction, it's hard to move through it. Distractions get in the way of that channel inside us—fear, illnesses, distractions, all those things.

If this channel is full of clutter, you can't get any space to get clarity. It even robs us of courage. It takes our attention away because we're constantly focused on that instead of on what our soul wants.

We have to work with ourselves to make space for direction, guidance, and intuition centers to work.

This channel inside of us can begin to open with our attention. Let’s focus on it today.

If you'd like to go through this practice with me, put your feet on the ground.

Just sit in your chair wherever you are. Close the door to the office.

And imagine that there is this road inside of you. And I want you to imagine that the road is clear right now.

Pretend it's clear. Imagine it. And you can see it from inside your head—down through the heart, belly, and legs.

And then I want you to take a deep breath and clear that channel with this deep breath. Just notice yourself relaxing, and with your eyes closed, bring your gaze inward.

I'm combining a few practices at once, but you're just imagining that you have a channel inside of you and breathing along it.

And then I will show you this thing I call the Kingdom Breath™.

Imagine now that this channel extends out the top of your head, goes into the sky to infinity, and the channel out of your feet goes into the earth and through the earth to infinity. You're extended along this channel. You're breathing comfortably, using your imagination along this clear channel. You're using your imagination to activate this channel; remember that it's inside you, and bring your attention to it. So, in the next breath, I will count for you.

I'll demonstrate first.

You'll breathe in and hold it for four seconds. As you breathe in on the four counts, bring all your breath from the top of your head and the bottom of your feet along that channel into your heart. You'll hold it for four seconds. Then, on the out-breath, do that in four seconds.

There's light coming out from the heart and moving out, just clearing anything out. And then you'll hold for four seconds on the out-breath. And then you're going to do it again. You're going to breathe it into your heart. On four, hold it for four in your heart. Imagine that the beautiful light on the out four is clearing anything that needs to go. And then you'll do it again for four and breathe in for four into your heart.

Let's breathe in one, two, three, four, and hold for four in your heart. And then breathe out for four, imagining light clearing anything out of the way in the channel. One, two, three, four. And then, now, breathe it in again. One, two, three, four. Hold for four in the heart. One, two, three, four. Out, two, three, four. Hold. Two, three, four. Into the heart. Three, four. Hold. Two, three, four. Out. Breathe out. Three, four. Hold. Two, three, four. Breathe in. Two, three, four. Hold, two, three, four. Breathe out, two, three, four. Breathe into the heart. Holding. Breathe out. Holding.

Breathe in light into the heart, hold, breathe out light from the heart, hold, breathe in light into the heart, hold it there, breathe out light clearing, hold it there. Breathe in light. This is the last time. Hold it in your heart. And then breathe out light. And then hold on to the last breath. And then just let go.

Start with a couple of minutes. So basically, it's breathing in light. Top and bottom along the channel inside of you into your heart. Hold it in your heart for four seconds. Breathe out light into your field, body, and channel. Hold it for four seconds. Once you're out of breath, bring it in and repeat in a four, four, four, four count.

Give yourself five minutes when you're overwhelmed or before you even go into the overwhelm, before you go to work for the day and get commuting. You can do this in your bed while you're lying down. You can do it. While putting on your makeup, take three minutes, sit on the edge of the tub, and do it.

Make little spaces to reconnect with your soul and start to notice your soul again. That you have one, that it has a purpose, that it wants to be fulfilled, that you can start listening to your intuition again, and that you can start following your soul's guidance. And so I want to ask you, what would it be like if you could have some keys?

I know that was a very fast practice, and it's hard over the internet to show you all of this, but I have learned over a long period, and I am a super disciplined practitioner, that it works. I have a daily practice. And it kept me alive. It kept my spirit alive. It kept my soul alive while I was in the corporate world. It kept me alive. It kept me still being spiritual, even at work. It kept me still awakened to my soul's purpose, even while I was still in the nine-to-five grind.

I had to do that first before I could strategize to get out of there, so there has to be a plan.

Unfortunately, we still need to make money. And I know when we do our soul's purpose, we can make money, but there has to be a strategy for your exit from the corporate world.

If that is what you want, there has to be a strategy to get into the position in the corporate world that is best for you and will fulfill you the most. We deserve that.

And so what if you could unlock your soul's power?

The soul has a lot of power; it takes a lot of power to stay positive when you're in a situation that doesn't feel good. It takes a lot of power to keep positive. And you have to cultivate that power. And there are Jedi tricks and all kinds of ways to do that, to be in situations where it's judgmental and competitive but still have your soul flourishing, thriving, and guiding you.

So, I've developed a free masterclass called "Unlock Your Soul Power." I'll give you three keys to stop hiding your soul's purpose, even in a judgmental and competitive world.

This is great for people stuck in the corporate world who want to leave or who have a side gig and are not paying enough attention to it.

Or you're a soulpreneur, and you're getting wrapped up in the business end of it, and it's not feeding you like you want it to. And you're not paying as much attention to your soul's purpose as you should.

You can visit my events page to see when the next free masterclass, Unlock Your Soul Power—Three Keys to Stop Hiding Your Soul's Purpose in a Judgmental and Competitive World, will be held. I'd love to see you there. I'm going to give you three keys, and you're going to practice them, and you're going to learn them. You're going to go away feeling confident, connected to your soul, having clarity, and connected to your intuition so that you can make conscious decisions, have choices, and decide where you want to go. And you'll have those tools. You'll be able to practice them regularly.

Thank you for coming to Receptive Radio™ live or watching the recording. I'm so grateful that I have you all watching.


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