
Resistance Kills Dreams

Here are the Highlights of this Episode:

[1:02] Why do we get resistant? Why do we resist the thing that is best for us? I am questioning this myself.

[3:38] Back to resistance. “I don't feel like doing it.” I want to discuss this resistance more today.

[7:26] Want more time and space? Want more freedom? And resistance doesn't seem to give freedom. It just creates more problems.

[9:18] That's how I unravel it. I need other people to see the blind spots that I am missing, and it has worked. Coaches, healers, and guides who helped me to see my blind spots have worked. It has gotten me way further than I would have been if I had tried this all on my own.

[12:05] Today, the practice around resistance is Tapping.

[14:42] Tapping on these phrases: I'm not good enough. This is never going to happen. I'm never going to make the money that I need to make an impact in the world. I'm not good enough, and I'm not ready yet.

[17:27] Tapping on these positive phrases: I am amazing at my work. I really do help people. I'm really good with money. I have a degree in finance. I'm an accountant. I know how to manage money, and I know how to manifest money. I am a cash flow wizard. I've helped many people make money and can do it myself. I love doing healing work. I also love the transformation my clients experience when working with me.

[19:45] This week, if anything in this episode on resistance triggered anything in you, or if you related to what I'm talking about, I would love to get on a connection call with you so we could follow up after this episode to see what's going on with your resistance.

Here is the Full Transcript for this Episode:

What does resistance feel like to you? How do you interpret that when you don't feel like doing something? Do you interpret it as resistance, I'm not up to it, I don't feel like it, or I want to quit? I'm sick of doing this.

I'm talking about resistance today because, to be honest, I was playing this money game for three days, which was totally awesome with LeAndra Foster, Joanna Guard, and Amanda Fuel. They're turning money into this game to make it more playful. But at the same time, there's this old conditioning, old imprinting, and I feel like resistance is part of the mix there, too.

Why do we get resistant?

Why do we resist the thing that is best for us? I am questioning this myself.

I was resisting doing this episode today. Why am I resisting doing something that I love to do? I don't know. And I want to ask you: Do you actually look at yourself and question why you feel this way? Like, what is it?

Go into it a bit deeper.

I'm personally a deep diver. I feel like I'm one of those people who, when something comes up, I go into it full throttle. I want to understand it from the inside out. And so I want to understand resistance. I want to understand more about my resistance and my clients' resistance. Why do we have resistance? Why does resistance kill our dreams? Why does resistance feel like we're moving through the mud?

Why does resistance get in our way? Why is it the thing that holds us up? Why is this?

It's very interesting because I've heard many people talk about resistance. We can name resistance some other names, like feeling stuck, frustrated, distracted, or procrastinating.

I would like to understand why I am resistant. Is there another reason? Is it connected to my intuition? Am I forcing myself to do something I don't want to do anymore?

And it certainly has nothing to do with Receptive Radio™. Like I want to do it, and I want to grow it, and I want it even to become more significant. I just got an email before I pressed the live button from someone who met me in a networking breakout room, or its new name - Breakthrough Room. Now I'm hearing that they're called breakthrough rooms. This email asked, "I want them to get on your podcast. What do I have to do?" So, wow. Yeah, of course. I am creating an application just to let everybody know while sidetracking this so that members can apply to get interviewed on Receptive Radio™.

Anyway, back to resistance. “I don't feel like doing it.” I want to discuss this resistance more today.

I will tell you why it's coming up for me. I have learned a bit about myself because I'm always deep-diving and see that I have this responsibility issue. I am responsible. I'm a responsible person. I have always been a responsible person.

And that responsibility sometimes gets in my way because I overdo it. I overdo it! And it causes me to contract and close off opportunities, close off things coming to me that I want, close off people working with me, close doors, create glitches in tech stuff, and that kind of stuff.

For example, I had a masterclass yesterday, and the Zoom link didn't work. Ten people wanted to come, but they couldn't. So that's resistance—some form of resistance.

For me, I'm looking at it between, you know, this responsibility being over-responsible. And so I've been swinging to the other side. I've just been swinging to the other side of the shadow of irresponsibility and looking at it from another angle of, well, oh, well, the Zoom link didn't work. Studying it from the other side of myself, I see this resistance that comes on the other extreme as irresponsible.

And I might not be making sense today, but maybe I am.

For me, extremes are, you know, something I've been living with. I have to go full in, or I'm full out, and I want to get closer to just enjoying the road, like being on the road enjoying flowing through it, and resistance seems to be the opposite of that. It is not flowing. It is more like being unable to move forward when you want to. Like the doors want to open, people are at the doors, but I can't open the doors. I can't open the doors. So, I've been looking into this form of resistance that gets created when I'm overresponsible.

So how does it get created when I'm irresponsible and just going to extremes to get closer to the middle of the flow of what I want? What do I want? Then, I will go towards what brings me the most joy and will be most fulfilling doing it.

And so what do I want?

I want more time and space. I want more freedom. And resistance doesn't seem to give me freedom. It just creates more problems. And suppose you're over-responsible like I am or can be. In that case, I can go hard into a lot of effort and productivity and use up all my time to create products and services, make things beautiful, make them look luxurious and high-end and professional and all that kind of stuff, and then leave no space for anybody to get in it is what I seem to have done.

I think the key to dealing with resistance is being aware that you’re having it. Awareness starts to clear the resistance. You can use shamanic rattles and feathers, which I do.

And I have coaches who help me with resistance, too.

Lately, I have been deep-diving so much into the issue of resistance to making money. I have been tapping, doing hypnotherapy, doing my shamanic healing work, and getting clearings from other coaches. I have been going deep into unraveling money patterns, the resistance around them, and the resistance around the next thing that comes up as you unravel the next thing.

I would not be moving forward without coaches, guides, or other mentors to help me do this. I would completely give up because it is a lot of work to do it alone and to figure it out on your own.

And for me, I notice that when I come up against resistance, I don't feel like doing it, or it's too scary. I'm not ready yet. I might as well give up because everybody else is doing it. That kind of resistance is my regular resistance. Like, that's where I'll default to is, like, self-deprecating. Why bother everyone else doing it? I had this idea first, but now everybody's doing it, and I'll give up.

That's how I unravel it. I need other people to see the blind spots that I am missing, and it has worked.

Coaches, healers, and guides who helped me to see my blind spots have worked. It has gotten me way further than I would have been if I had tried this all on my own. And, you know, I take more risks. For example, I'm taking the risk of being more open with this community about my resistance. And I'm practicing this right now, you know, between responsible and irresponsible. And today, I didn't prepare too much for this episode. Every minute, I felt I should tell them I was on vacation this week. Maybe I should not do it. I came up with resistance. Every minute before 12:30 today, I thought about Receptive Radio™; it was just one thing after another, like, how do I get out of this? How can I not do this today?


I'm here anyway; I'm doing it anyway, so am I doing the greatest job ever? No, absolutely not, or maybe I am. Who knows?

So, what's the practice for today around resistance?

I've been doing a lot of tapping lately and like it. Let me know if you want to do some tapping work, and I'll send you to LeAndra. She's amazing. But she's taught me that you can do some tapping on your own. There are tons of books about tapping and tapping to calm the nervous system,

If you look right now, this is the karate chop part of my hand. I don't know all the science behind it, and don't quote me on what I'm teaching you right now, but the effects of tapping calm the nervous system. And when you're tapping, you're saying all that negative self-talk you've been saying to yourself anyway while tapping. So you're wondering, why am I tapping on: I'm not good enough. It'll never happen. It's not worth it. I might as well give up. Why would I tap those negative words in? Right now, that's the exact thing creating the resistance and interrupting my nervous system. And so, by tapping on that, space is getting created. There is a movement that is being activated on the resistance. And I'm not the expert here, and I'm not teaching you to tap. I'm just showing you something that I learned from one of my coaches. And I'm passing along to you. And you can try it out and learn more about it from a book or Google it.

But it has worked. It has opened up space for me. So, I've been learning that you're tapping on the negative, the negative information, and the things you want to unravel. And then, you can move into the positive. So, for some people, it might be hard for some of you, that is what I'm saying. So, let's do a round of tapping. And around things that cause resistance for us, thought forms that cause resistance for us.

Tapping on these phrases: I'm not good enough. This is never going to happen. I'm never going to make the money that I need to make an impact in the world. I'm not good enough, and I'm not ready yet. Why would somebody want to work with me? Every time I make an offer, I fall short. Even though I think it's affordable, everyone else thinks it's expensive. I'm not ready. I'm not good enough. Who am I to tell other people how to transform their lives?

So, you know, those are strong words there. It's actually opening up space inside of me. Like I'm feeling better.

So let's do a little bit more if you want.

Tapping on these phrases: Why do I feel resistant? Why do I feel I no longer want to do what I love? Why do I feel like I've put so much effort into it, and nothing is happening? And should I keep going? Why am I questioning myself? It's so hard. I'm struggling. I'm struggling to start a new business. I'm struggling with money. I'm struggling with time. I'm struggling with space. I'm struggling with getting all of my projects done. I'm struggling with overwhelm. I'm struggling with disappointment. I'm disappointing myself by not winning and succeeding like I should.

Okay, my arms are actually getting sore from tapping. Okay, so there is some movement there.

Now, let's focus on some positive things on the way in. If you've felt some movement, take a deep breath and sip water. Let's tap into some of what we want.

Tapping on these positive phrases: I am amazing at what I do. I really do help people. I'm really good with money. I have a degree in finance. I'm an accountant. I know how to manage money, and I know how to manifest money. I am a cash flow wizard. I've helped many people make money and can do it myself. I love doing healing work. I also love the transformation my clients experience when working with me. I love speaking on Receptive Radio™ for 20 minutes every week. I also love interviewing guests and helping them share more about their work. I love cheering and championing my clients in their goals and their success. And I love seeing them win, achieve, accomplish, transform, and excel beyond what they could imagine. And I love to experience that type of win for me. When my clients win, I win. When I win, my clients win.

So that was tapping. If you want to receive tapping with LeAndra, send me a dm, and I will connect with you.

This week, if anything in this episode on resistance triggered anything in you, or if you related to what I'm talking about, I would love to get on a connection call with you so we could follow up after this episode to see you know, what's going on with your resistance, or are you not having any resistance? Or, if you have some major wins, you would love to share them with me. I’ll put the link in the chat; I will put a link to book a 30-minute follow-up call with me so we can talk more about resistance, making money, doing your purpose work, and being powerful at it.


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