
Client Success Story Interview - Valerie

Here are the Highlights from this episode:

[0:02] Today, we're having a client success story interview. Valerie is one of my clients, and I'm so happy to share her story with you and how working with me benefited her life.

[2:13] Can you tell me and the audience what one of your common challenges was and why you wanted to work with me?

[4:00] What part of your past kept coming up, that kept repeating, that you were having trouble getting out of? That you did transform. I think it was the anger against men, you know, about being repetitively abused by men. And it stemmed from, you know, starting with my father, brothers, and ex-spouse.

[6:21] So, tell me a little about the story of your husband and having the kids. Can you share some of that with the audience?

Sure, so I met my ex-husband when I was living in Taiwan, and even then, there were red flags when I was living there. He was very possessive and didn't want me to speak to other people. I was not allowed to have friends, but I was comfortable with that control coming from, you know, a very strict religious background where men controlled everything about you, and so for me, it was comfortable, you know, I knew that something was wrong. Still, I was just like, I'm used to it.

[8:24] And, you know, he was very verbally abusive until about when I started working with you,

Jennifer, when you showed me how to clear that gap by looking at the contract that my ex and I had way back before we were together, in the past life, or however it happened, that we had a soul contract. Learning to forgive me and forgive him, which you taught me so well through our sessions, made it possible for me to forgive him even when I'm currently engaged with the man of my life, the love of my life.

[10:59] And instead of judging him, fighting back, and making it more dramatic, it was all within you, you had just shifted yourself. This is how I remember it. This was a year ago that we were.

[12:20] And what was one of the practices that helped you the most that we worked with?

You started with Earth Force Activation™, and, you know, I think the first session, even before the first Finding The Source™ session started, I got the invite to do the Earth Force Activation™ at six o'clock in the morning.

[17:28] Well, I would say to start with you and do the Finding The Source™ introductory package, which I did because that was the way I could know exactly what I needed to work on. There are so many roads that you can take, but when you have somebody there, you speak to them. You do your two sessions that are directed privately and one-on-one, then you can see how you can help.

[24:43] Time and space are not constraints. Interestingly, we're working on an interdimensional, multidimensional level and can hold space for one another to transform.

Here is the Full Transcript for this episode:

Today, we're having a client success story interview. Valerie is one of my clients, and I'm so happy to share her story with you and how working with me benefited her life.

You're on Receptive Radio™, your tuning station. I go live every Thursday at 12:30 p.m. PST. This show is designed to inspire conscious entrepreneurs, intrapreneurs, and people working towards realizing their potential and self-actualization and looking to eliminate the things that stand in the way.

Thank you for joining us.

Valerie, please tell us what you do and a little about yourself.

I’m a massage therapist and Reiki master from Quebec with strong roots in Eastern Canada. I’ve lived in Vancouver for 17 years, honing my skills and language. Currently, I’m in Scotland.

One of the things that happened when we started working together was that you were living in Langley and doing massage therapy. You were working a lot, I remember. You were a mobile massage therapist. You drove around to help people and do Reiki with them. And you had a big clientele list.

Another client referred you to me, and I remember having an instant rapport.

Can you tell me and the audience what one of your common challenges was and why you wanted to work with me?

I've been looking for somebody who understands more about the spiritual way of being. And, coming from a background of, you know, the religion and stuff like that, I wanted somebody that was quite open and understanding, and from our mutual client, had told me about you is that you're very easy to talk to and understanding. I thought, you know what, let's try it.

I think there's a reason why my client told me about you, and I couldn't wait to reach out to you. I contacted you the same day the mutual client told me about you.

Yeah. And so, in that first session, when we talked, what were some of the things you wanted to change?

There are a lot of things I want to change. I think it was, you know, my self-esteem suffered a lot with a lot of abuse in the past. I felt like I could do better.

I also like that you're a shaman; it really speaks to how you work with energies. As a Reiki master, working with people through massage, energy is predominant. So it's very important to me to see that you were doing that same type of energy work.

What part of your past kept coming up, that kept repeating, that you were having trouble getting out of? That you did transform. I think it was the anger against men, you know, about being repetitively abused by men. And it stemmed from, you know, starting with my father, brothers, and ex-spouse.

So it felt like I was always attracting, even though I read books, did all this self-work, went to therapy and coaching, and it still wasn't good enough because I still was attracting that kind of negative possessiveness with a streak of aggressiveness towards the men coming towards me. You helped me transform that.

And I can understand that, too, because I had a similar experience with men in the early part of my life. Not my dad so much, but more, I would put myself into uncomfortable relationships, you know? And part of my story is that I see potential in everybody. And so, whatever I was attracted to in those men, I would see their potential, but they never did. We're the saviors. We wanted to save them.

We get into this habit of—or I did, maybe you did, too—believing that people want to change. Because that's what motivates me: I want to be better. I want to get better and better every day. And do you have that same thing, Val?

Exactly. And I think that's why I attracted such damaged people, I guess because I always saw the potential in everyone. I'm a very positive person. I see good in everybody, but sometimes not as good as I would have wanted them to be. Right, right.

So, tell me a little about the story of your husband and having the kids. Can you share some of that with the audience?

Sure, so I met my ex-husband when I was living in Taiwan, and even then, there were red flags when I was living there. He was very possessive and didn't want me to speak to other people. I was not allowed to have friends, but I was comfortable with that control coming from, you know, a very strict religious background where men controlled everything about you, and so for me, it was comfortable, you know, I knew that something was wrong. Still, I was just like, I'm used to it.

So, when we came to Canada, I immigrated with my spouse and tried to give him the best life possible. But the abuse got too bad. And when my son was six years old, and my daughter was a year and a half, I just said I had enough. My son was belittled. He was grinding his teeth. And, you know, he wasn't sleeping well at night. So I said, you know, my children are my priority.

Leaving my husband at that time was very hard because he threatened to take the kids away from me to Taiwan, saying I was a bad mother and I wasn't good enough.

I had to hide in a woman's shelter. And, you know, the divorce proceedings were horrible because I was attacked. By him all the time.

And that unworthiness kept coming up because I'm not a good enough mom. And the kids would come home from seeing their dad on the weekend and, oh, mom, you broke the family. Daddy said you did this, and Daddy said that. And, you know, it brought me to the brink of suicidal thoughts. And, you know, it was tough to see the bigger picture.

I knew I did the right thing, but moving along as a single mom with two children and a full-time job was so hard. I had nothing else to show for, but my kids kept me going.

And, you know, he was very verbally abusive until about when I started working with you,

Jennifer, when you showed me how to clear that gap by looking at the contract that my ex and I had way back before we were together, in the past life, or however it happened, that we had a soul contract. Learning to forgive me and forgive him, which you taught me so well through our sessions, made it possible for me to forgive him even when I'm currently engaged with the man of my life, the love of my life.

And he's like the complete opposite. Like he tells me I'm beautiful, I'm gorgeous. He, like, I'm the one who's in control now. And it's amazing to feel that love.

But with this guy, we decided to move to Scotland, and never before would my ex-husband have ever thought of saying yes because, you know, it's another control issue for him, but somehow, clearing all those past negative emotions that we had against each other, I guess, cleared the way.

And, you know, I was able to take my daughter, and he gave me his blessing to bring my daughter to Scotland. My son's old enough that he's living on his own. So it was just an amazing experience. Eye-opening, and anything can happen if you have the right person to work with and help you.

I think the same about you because, you know, I think this is an important part of your story: you didn't need to fight to get what you wanted because we didn't have to do anything to convince or manipulate any situations. It was just an ownership of transforming that pattern, whatever the name of that pattern was or is, but through forgiveness.

Not every client has the same pattern; it's always a unique experience. But you really embraced wanting to change, which shifted everything. You embraced forgiving him.

And instead of judging him, fighting back, and making it more dramatic, it was all within you, you had just shifted yourself. This is how I remember it. This was a year ago that we were.

Yes. About a year ago, this was all changing and transforming for you. But it made it really easy. And then I remember you saying, wow, it was like, you know, I just shifted it within myself, and then your outer experience shifted.

It was beautiful for me to hold space for you to do this, but it was also pretty shocking, to be honest. And it's learning how not to live in your past, right? You taught me not to think that something terrible will happen.

It's resolved, so see the good in the relationship. Yeah, so you transformed your mindset and embodied the transformation.

Inside yourself through the heart, mind, soul, and energy.

And what was one of the practices that helped you the most that we worked with?

You started with Earth Force Activation™, and, you know, I think the first session, even before the first Finding The Source™ session started, I got the invite to do the Earth Force Activation™ at six o'clock in the morning. It was hardcore because I'm tired, but I got it.

I started doing Earth Force Activation™ with you and all the other clients. It was amazing because it was twice a week, and it was consistently like we never missed a week. And how long have I done Earth Force Activation™ now?

We've been together for almost a year and a half, and I think this grounded me for working with you and having the Earth Force Activation™ experience. I would see you every week and then have Earth Force Activation™ twice a week. There was no lapse in support because if I didn't see you, I still had the meditation, and then I could log in and listen to the recordings.

Sometimes, I couldn't sleep at night, so I would listen to an episode of Earth Force Activation™ before going to bed and then close my eyes. I had the best sleep because whatever I needed to let go was let go through Mother Earth, and it was just such a gem to have that extra support.

So for the audience that doesn't know what Val's talking about, part of working with me is also getting the opportunity to join us in a live guided meditation on Tuesdays and Friday mornings at 6 am Pacific time for 30 minutes, where I facilitate a guided meditation to inside of ourselves to open up the channel of connection within ourselves with our heart, our mind, our body, and our energy.

We connect with the earth and gather a life force to support us. It's like a catapult; it supports the Finding The Source™ sessions without having to do anything but come and be present and aware during them and expands transformation.

I've noticed that whatever you're working on, you get through it faster, transform quicker, and it's better than you can imagine. Like you're like, Oh wow, this has shifted. And I didn't even have to, I didn't even realize, you know, do you have that experience as well?

It's almost instant sometimes. Sometimes it's like, you know, I'll have this feeling or this, you know, dread or something. And, you know, doing Earth Force Activation™ after that, it's like, what was my problem again? I can't remember, and I'm like, well, that worked.

You know, it's like the pill that, you know, it's a natural spiritual pill that we take. And, you know, it's the same thing as, you know, feeding your body or the love that you have for relationships is the same thing. Meditation is so essential for your personal development.

I don't think that without Earth Force Activation™, I would have been as far ahead as I would have been just doing the sessions with you. Don't get me wrong; the Finding The Source™ sessions are amazing.

But I think the Earth Force Activation™ kind of ties it together perfectly.

Yeah, and I was guided through my meditation and daily practice to create it.

That's why I'm such a strong believer in daily practice and going inside to get the answers. I was actually guided to create Earth Force Activation™, and the name came through meditation practice. It is an activation.

It's an activation of your presence, your soul, your connection with yourself, your purpose, and your potential, and an activation for the earth because there's a bigger message about how the earth is transforming. That's how I'm receiving it as well, but not always. I mean, it's always different. There's never one practice that's the same, so it's always completely different. And I think we're evolving through it as well.

Yeah. It's like the ocean. I feel like the water is flowing through. You never know what type of water you'll get, but it still flows.

And what could you tell the audience about getting started with me or with somebody like me to help them transform any obstacles, challenges, distractions, or old patterns so that they can realize their potential?

What would you tell the audience?

Well, I would say to start with you and do the Finding The Source™ introductory package, which I did because that was the way I could know exactly what I needed to work on. There are so many roads that you can take, but when you have somebody there, you speak to them. You do your two sessions that are directed privately and one-on-one, then you can see how you can help.

It's very catered, but you cater in a way that you're like, okay, like, I see what you're struggling with. Let's work on that. And, you know, what are your triggers? What are your shadows? And, you know, having that first one-on-one private meeting with you helps to give direction and a sense of knowing what you want to do in your life or resolved goals. Issues that have been, you know, sitting there.

And I know that I am way more in my power now than I've ever been. And, you know, I didn't even know I had that inside me. And, you know, it just started with you doing, you know, Finding the Source™, the introductory package. And, you know, I've been sold since then.

Well, thank you, Val. Yeah.

So Val mentioned that I have a Finding The Source™ introductory package to start working with me, and Finding the Source™ is my signature program. Anyone who would like to work with me begins with the introductory package, and we do two 90-minute sessions. You also get access to Earth Force Activation™. So you can experience both ways that it works to transform your struggles and rediscover, like, what is the big dream?

What is the potential that you're not realizing?

Because I have constantly been unraveling, we're still continually working towards unraveling old conditioning, old imprinting, and old belief systems that have come onto us since we were young, and we didn't know it.

Right. And so it's hard. It's like a, you know, my work is designed to take that off so that you can shine the authentic self and remember who you are. Yeah. So, I love working with people because it's so fulfilling. It helps me to be fulfilled in my work. And I want that for everybody else. And I like that for you.

So, Val, I want to share a little bit. While we were working together and she was transforming all those things with her ex, her relationship with her fiance got even better, and things started falling into place.

Like you listed the house for sale, it's sold. And then the plane tickets. And then, you know, the ex-husband letting your daughter go with you. And now you're living in Scotland.

And debt-free. I have no mortgage because, you know, the money that I made selling my place in Langley covered this perfect little townhouse we have. And, you know. It's like, financially, we're good. You see, we're thriving.

And I would have never thought that would happen a year ago, a year and a half ago. I didn't even know it was a dream of mine to move here. Yeah.

And now you're looking for, oh, and you get to; now you're exploring Scotland and all of the sacred circles, stone circles, and ancient churches. And the new dream is now, well, it's like showing this path to you, and you're engaged.

You're just waiting for your immigration to come through, and you'll get married, too. I know. That's exciting. Yeah. I can't wait.

And then everything's falling through with, you know, with David on his side and, you know, with his relationship too, so that we can get married. And, you know, when you work on yourself without realizing you're helping your spouse too. And, you know, David's a better person. It's not that he wasn't good before, but he's a better person emotionally, too. And, you know, he suffered from health issues that he doesn't have anymore.

And he keeps telling me, Val, you're such a good person and so supportive. He's like Val, you heal me. It's like I don't think, you know like I think he does all his healing. Still, you know it's it helps, you know, in relationships when you start focusing on you and work on you and not working on others, yeah, and that's a significant shift from when we were young and in our teens and 20s when we thought we needed to change the guy in our relationship, right? Yep.

No, we only needed to focus on ourselves. It's taken a while to figure that out. Exactly. Prince Charming is not going to come. You have to bring him to you. Through becoming... whatever princess charming or whatever. Yeah. Yeah. You are the magnet. So yes, yes, yes. I love it. It makes me so happy that you are thriving and everything is working out, and I love working with you. Likewise, oh, it's rewarding to have and cheer you on.

I love cheering you on, and I'm so grateful. I feel it, and I can feel it all the time. Like I always think you're holding space for me all the time. Like even if we don't talk every day or, you know, there's still, you know, and I'm in across the world, you're still, I feel like you're still there, you know?

And so that's another thing. Lots of my work is done over Zoom with clients, and we do Earth Force Activation™ over Zoom, but that's the thing about spiritual work or self-development work.

Time and space are not constraints. Interestingly, we're working on an interdimensional, multidimensional level and can hold space for one another to transform.

And maybe you're inspiring me now.

There's another episode to talk about that. I like that.

I'm so grateful that you came on to do this client success story with me. I love you so much. I love you, too. You're amazing. Thank you.

Receptive Radio™, thank you so much for being part of this community in the audience. You help to hold space for consciousness awareness, awareness of ourselves, connection with ourselves, transformation, and dreaming of our potential in the world through actualizing it.

Thank you so much for joining us today. I hope you enjoyed this interview with Valerie. We'll see you next Thursday at 1230 PM Pacific time for the next live episode.


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